Tool Integration

DKZ.2R Integration

To support automation and reduce the workload for individual researchers, the operators of research infrastructures, e.g. HPC systems or data storage facilities, provide tools and software solutions to realize the metadata necessary for further processing, suitable long-term usable data formats or suitable packaging. These tools are developed as prototypes in close cooperation with researchers and then transferred to the general portfolio of the infrastructure offered.

In order to organize, store and reuse research data efficiently, Coscine is a platform that is being designed and further developed by RWTH Aachen University to enable FAIRnes of data via the FAIR Digital Objects Framework. A prerequisite for this is the use of a common vocabulary, which was developed for the engineering sciences using the NFDI4Ing1 terminology service and is now available to all researchers in this or related disciplines.

Not only is the versioning of source code handled via tools such as GitLab, but the extended functionalities such as a management board, issue tracking or CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) create added value for the organization, as well as automated processing and analysis of research data. With the project (consortium lead RWTH), the universities in the DKZ.2R environment are offered a GitLab instance and its functionality is also taught in courses as part of DKZ.2R. Corresponding demonstrators have also already been developed within the EOSC project FAIR Data Spaces (with the participation of RWTH), which are available to users to validate generated research data in automated processes and maintain a quality standard.