Similar methodological problems such as outliers, structural analysis in images or poor signal-to-noise ratios that occur in various researchdomains often require similar methodological solutions. DKZ.2R will establish a central project exchange to identify and bring together research tandems or trios of early career scientists with similar methodological problems. These tandems/trios are curated and brought together by the DKZ.2R consultants. Furthermore, the tandems/trios will be supported by a consultant for 6 to 24 months.
The aim of the project is to create an initial framework for the tandems / trios based on an initial set of experts for various methods and specialist areas. The tasks and consulting services can be managed via a simple booking system (e.g. available on the JACK platform of the University of Duisburg-Essen). The scientists who have successfully completed the system in the role of “student” and have created new tasks as new examples, new professional directions or methods for their own qualification and can then be accepted into the role of “experts”. This will ensure that this action can become a self-supporting system in the long run.
A special form of the research tandems/trios is the first Data Competence College which will be hosted from March 26th to 28th at RWTH Aachen: Based on the concept of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin or the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, four selected people with high data competence from different scientific fields (“Data Experts”) will be invited to the DKZ.2R for three days as part of the data competence college. We will create a space where Data Experts can inspire each other, but also local scientists, and especially early career researchers can learn from the data experts and from each other. The exchange with experts from different disciplines and/or areas of focus in particular can provide new impetus for data processing or methodical data analysis. This format can be expanded and deepened in various directions, so that the DKZ.2R forms the focus of mutual enrichment.