
DKZ.2R Rent-an-Expert System

We offer support for ambitious research projects of early career scientist, who are facing a research problem related to Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing and Simulation, and Research Data Management. As a Scientist you can apply anytime to receive the support of a scientific consultant for a specific problem or project. Each chosen applicant is offered an introductory meeting (around two hours) in which the applicant and consultant get to know each other. Here, the applicant also introduces the (planned) project and describes the data-related problem and expected or encountered difficulties. Furthermore, this meeting will be used for the applicant and consultant to align their project-related expectations and to determine whether long-term support is viable.

The DKZ.2R is funded by the German federal ministry of education and research, and the European Union, therefore, all our offers are free of charge!

Example scenario 1, short-term consulting:

With an existing implementation for processing data, performance metrics deteriorate or fundamental runtime problems occur when the data volumes under consideration are expanded. The DKZ.2R consultants can help to identify and localize the causes and provide initial indications of a solution (e.g., by suggesting alternative Deep Learning architectures or GPU-parallelization approaches) .

Example scenario 2, longer-term consulting:

The processing of large amounts of data requires concepts and algorithms that enable an implementation and efficient execution in a high-performance environment. DKZ.2R consultants provide support in the concept development phase and assist applicants in the implementation phase.

Ultimately it is up to you and your consultant to decide for how long and in what frequency you would like to be supported in your project.

Applications can be submitted anytime via e-mail to

Submit an Application
Application Requirements:

All applications must be submitted in PDF format via e-mail (subject: “Application Rent-an-expert'') to Applications must be written in Times New Roman, 12pt. (or equivalent) with a line spacing of 1.5.

The applications should be around 1–1.5 pages long and must include the following information:

  • A short description of the (planned) scientific project and its planned duration. How is data literacy particularly relevant in this project? Does the applicant receive any financial funding or non-material support for the project?
  • Up to six keywords describing the (planned) scientific project.
  • The applicant’s background such as education, current position, and scientific domain, as well as a short summary of the applicant's data-related skills in relation to the project.
  • The applicant’s ideas on how they potentially wish to be supported by a scientific consultant. Do you anticipate long- or short-term consulting? Does the project consist of different phases that might influence the frequency of the consulting? How specifically can a consultant support the project?

The DKZ.2R is funded by the German federal ministry of education and research, and the European Union, therefore, all our offers are free of charge!