DKZ.2R@ NFDI4Objects Community meeting

DKZ.2R@ NFDI4Objects Community meeting

From the 25th to 27th of September 2024, the Leibnitz Centre for Archaeology (LEIZA) & Mainz University of Applied Sciences are hosting the second NFDI4Objects Community meeting. There will be a diverse program with workshops focused on students and young researchers as well as teachers and other interested parties on the topic of research data management of object-related data. Furthermore, the NFDI4Objects will present their annual report, host poster sessions, and ignite talks, and organise collaboration and community workshops. In one of the poster sessions, we (DKZ.2R) will be presenting our poster titled: “The Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy (DKZ.2R) bridging the gaps to NDFI4Objects” The full program (in German) can be found on the NFDI4Objects Website. As the DKZ.2R is only funded for a duration of three years, the various NDFI consortia play a major part in finding ways to establishing our offers and making them last. As part of our networking strategy we are also constantly exchanging ideas and looking for synergies between project to use our ressources as efficiently as possible.