Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy (DKZ.2R)

This is the official website of the Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy (DKZ.2R). We are one of the eleven Data Literacy Centers in Germany, that were founded in 2023. Our goal is to reduce data-related hurdles in research, train and support researchers in methodological data literacy in a hollistic way, and promote data-competent scientists.

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Upcoming Events

In 10 Days...

DKZ.2R @ Berlin Science Week

Nov 1-2, 2024
Berlin (Museum für Naturkunde)

Every year the Berlin Science Week transforms the city into a vibrant festival of scientific ideas and debates. With over 180 participating organisations and more than 600 involved scientists, artists, politicians, and other inspiring initiators, Berlin Science Week captivates a diverse audience of over 30,000 participants. From our dynamic festival hubs, CAMPUS at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, and Science & Culture …

In 21 Days...

DKZ.2R@ Tag der Forschungsdaten NRW

Nov 12, 2024
Jülich (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

For this year’s Research Data Day (Tag der Forschungsdaten) NRW, on the 12th of November 2024, Forschungszentrum Jülich and the RWTH Aachen University teamed up again to host an on-site event, this time in Jülich, which will be co-organised by DKZ.2R. Similarly to the last years, there will be online talks in the morning which will be viewed publicly. After Lunch we are starting with the on-site program including different talks and theme tables. More information on the concept an the event can …

In 30 Days...

By DKZ.2R: The Carpentries Workshop: Python Basics and Plotting

Nov 21-22, 2024
Aachen (RWTH Aachen University)
Workshop Python Carpentries

As part of our “Trainings” work package, the DKZ.2R plans to curate and provide a variety of trainings, seminars and courses. We will start by offering an official The Carpentries Workshop on the 21st and 22nd of November 2024 on the topic of “plotting and programming in Python”. The Carpentries Workshop by DKZ.2R: Python basics and plotting The workshop will be hosted on-site at RWTH Aachen University and is open for up to 25 participants. The workshop material is available online and will be …

Recent News

DKZ.2R@ Tag der Forschungsdaten NRW

For this year’s Research Data Day (Tag der Forschungsdaten) NRW, on the 12th of November 2024, Forschungszentrum Jülich and the RWTH Aachen University teamed up again to host an on-site event, this …

October 17, 2024

DKZ.2R@ Data-Science-Community Workshop INFORMATIK

On the 26th of September the DKZ.2R took part in the “Data-Science-Community Workshop” at the

October 14, 2024

DKZ.2R@ Statusveranstaltung der Datenkompetenzzentren in Deutschland

September was full of events for the DKZ.2R. Among other things we visited the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Berlin for a two-day workshop from September 19th to September 20th. …

October 14, 2024

DKZ.2R@ Berlin Science Week

From the first of November the Berlin Science week is happening, transforming the city into a vibrant festival full of ideas and debates connecting science, culture and arts for a duration of ten …

October 8, 2024

DKZ.2R@ NFDI4Objects Community meeting

From the 25th to 27th of September 2024, the Leibnitz Centre for Archaeology (LEIZA) & Mainz University of Applied Sciences are hosting the second NFDI4Objects Community meeting. There will be a …

August 28, 2024

The Carpentries Workshop by DKZ.2R - Python basics and plotting

As part of our “Trainings” work package, the DKZ.2R plans to curate and provide a variety of trainings, seminars …

August 22, 2024

DKZ.2R@ Data-Science-Community Workshop INFORMATIK

For the 54th time the “Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft der Informatik” is celebrating the INFORMATIK festival, an event …

August 19, 2024

DKZ.2R@ Themenwoche Digitale Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft

DKZ.2R teamed up with another data literacy center QUADRIGA , NFDIxCS , and

August 19, 2024

DKZ.2R@ Data Stewardship goes Germany

On the 11th and 12th of September the RWTH Aachen is hosting the third “Data …

August 15, 2024

DKZ.2R@ Statusveranstaltung der Datenkompetenzzentren in Deutschland

From September 19th to 20th the BMBF is inviting representatives of all eleven Data Literacy Centers in Germany to …

August 15, 2024

Call for participation!

We launched our first call for participation for our Rent-an-Expert System! Find out what we are offering and how you can apply for expert-consulting (free of charge!)

June 24, 2024


From March 18-20. the RWTH-Aachen hosted the FDM-Werkstatt: the first of many DKZ.2R events, including an open DKZ-session on wednesday afternoon! Read more about it

February 22, 2024
Press Release DKZ.2R

Press Release DKZ.2R

The RWTH-Aachen was the first institution to post the official press-release for the start of the DKZ.2R! You can read the text

February 22, 2024