Data Competence College by DKZ.2R - Registration open now!

Data Competence College by DKZ.2R - Registration open now!

We are very happy to announce the first DKZ.2R Data Competence College which will be hosted from March 26th to 28th at the IT center of RWTH Aachen. Based on the concept of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin or the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, we have invited four individuals with high data competence from different scientific fields (“Data Experts”) as part of the data competence college.

As of now, Prof. Sebastian Houben from Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (specialist in AI and autonomous systems), and Dr. Moritz Wolter from University of Bonn (expert in high performance computing and machine learning) have already confirmed their participation.

For three days we aim to create a space where local scientists, and especially early career researchers, can learn from the data experts and each other regarding research data and methods but also data experts can inspire each other. The schedule includes keynote presentations by all data experts, poster presentations by the participants, and 1:1 sessions between data experts and early career researchers, as well as a variety of method- and data-related workshops. We aim at creating an environment in which everyone feels safe to give input, share their knowledge and learn from the other participants and experts.

The exchange with and among experts from different disciplines and/or areas of focus in particular can provide new impetus for data processing or methodical data analysis. In this way, the DKZ.2R Data Competence College forms the focus of mutual enrichment participants and experts alike.

To take part in the event please sign up using the registration form. As always, participation in this event is free of charge!

We are very much looking forward to the event. Feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested in taking part. All Keynote presentations as well as the poster presentations on the 26th of March are open to the public so if you are interested but cannot take part on all three days or you simply do not qualify as “early career researcher” anymore we’d be looking forward to seeing you at the public part of the event.