Activities & Offers

Our approach is to support scientists and research projects from the life sciences, natural sciences, engineering, mathematics and computer science in all methodological core areas in dealing with data and to build up sustainable expertise in the process. The aim is to create “nuclei” in individual projects that act as multipliers in the breadth of the respective disciplines. At the same time, the variety of disciplines is important for interdisciplinary transfer.

Our target group are primarily all researchers with complex questions relating to research data for which it is not possible to fall back on existing best practices or established methods. Another target group is industry, which is to be integrated into the DKZ.2R through partially supervised and partially funded doctoral theses, for example.

In DKZ.2R, experts in the core methodological areas are brought together with specialist researchers in a project-like structure. This network solves the specific question and documents it in a suitable form in order to achieve a transfer to other, similar questions in addition to the scientific activity. Different formats are used for this purpose:

In Data Challenges and Hackathons , expertise in handling data is passed on directly to researchers through existing and newly acquired expertise.

Via Research Tandems , researchers who have already established solutions for similar problems are brought together with other researchers (DKZ.2R acts both as a broker and as an active participant).

In addition, established support structures are expanded through course programs , advice and adaptation of the infrastructure.

The above-mentioned activities are offered across all locations, which is why the close geographical clustering of DKZ.2R is an important aspect of the center's positioning.