
DKZ.2R@ NFDI4Objects Community meeting

DKZ.2R@ NFDI4Objects Community meeting

From the 25th to 27th of September 2024, the Leibnitz Centre for Archaeology (LEIZA) & Mainz University of Applied Sciences are hosting the second NFDI4Objects Community meeting.

The Carpentries Workshop by DKZ.2R - Python basics and plotting

The Carpentries Workshop by DKZ.2R - Python basics and plotting

As part of our “Trainings” work package, the DKZ.2R plans to curate and provide a variety of trainings, seminars and courses.

DKZ.2R@ Data-Science-Community Workshop INFORMATIK

DKZ.2R@ Data-Science-Community Workshop INFORMATIK

For the 54th time the “Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft der Informatik” is celebrating the INFORMATIK festival, an event dedicated to networking and the exchange of information and skills between people working in computer science.

DKZ.2R@ Themenwoche Digitale Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft

DKZ.2R@ Themenwoche Digitale Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft

DKZ.2R teamed up with another data literacy center QUADRIGA , NFDIxCS , and NFDI4DS , to host a workshop on the topic of “Research Data and Research Software Competencies from the Perspective of Computer and Data Science” at the [Themenwoche Digitale Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft of the Volkswagenstiftung].

DKZ.2R@ Data Stewardship goes Germany

DKZ.2R@ Data Stewardship goes Germany

On the 11th and 12th of September the RWTH Aachen is hosting the third “Data Stewardship goes Germany” event.

DKZ.2R@ Statusveranstaltung der Datenkompetenzzentren in Deutschland

DKZ.2R@ Statusveranstaltung der Datenkompetenzzentren in Deutschland

From September 19th to 20th the BMBF is inviting representatives of all eleven Data Literacy Centers in Germany to come together in Berlin and discuss the progress and the difficulties of the projects.

Call for participation!

Call for participation!

We launched our first call for participation for our Rent-an-Expert System!



From March 18-20. the RWTH-Aachen hosted the FDM-Werkstatt: the first of many DKZ.

Press Release DKZ.2R

Press Release DKZ.2R

The RWTH-Aachen was the first institution to post the official press-release for the start of the DKZ.